Verifire Tools Manual

Example Programmes. SALES LITERATURE. Product Brochures. TOOLS AND SOFTWARE. Productivity Tools. Programming Utilities. Firmware INSIGHT KNOWLEDGE BASE. News and Events NEWS WEBINARS TRAINING. Resources / Tools and Software / Productivity Tools. Category: Productivity Tools. Aug 31, 2020 Licensed users need to re-license VeriFire tools every 18 months The License is only good for one computer/laptop. 5.9 and higher is only good for ONYX series products. NFS-320,NFS-640,NFS-3030,NFS2-3030,NFS2-640,UDACT-2 also the new UDACT-2 is programmed with Verifire Tools 5.9. KNOW THIS. If you are not a Notifier Dealer.

Programming Version Control

Verifire Tools Manual

VeriFire Tools allows easy control of system configuration versions by using the create project from Option. The version number is automatically increased by one or can be manually changed.

Verifire Tools Manual Transmission

In Open project click on the + to see all the old versions

Distributed Download

Connect to Noti-Fire-Net via USB direct on any High-Speed NCM, or use the RS232 to NUP cable for NCM. Once connected right-click the project, and you will get the Project Download option.

Enter the password 00000000 use the Non -640 Series option if all passwords are the same, passwords can be individually edited.

Enter the password use the Non -640 Series option if all passwords are the same; passwords can be individually edited. Select the node you wish to download to by ticking the box in the select column. Select Authenticate; then you will get the Download option highlighted. All panels will then be downloaded, all Validation errors except critical errors will be ignored.

Commissioning with Connected Life Safety Services (CLSS)

Verifire Tools Manual

Will discuss more in future topics.

Commissioning Reports

Panel report

Generate a PDF report to show the Complete Panel Report

Maintenance Report

From the dropdown menu, select Both Detector and Modules. Uploaded database must be no older than 20 minutes and you need to be logged in. This report shows when the detector was tested and its current state of Drift Compensation, this report needs to be uploaded before the next download as all data is reset after a download. The builder should sign this report if covers are to be removed too soon on a construction site.

Save Project As Stage 2 And Beyond

Remember Save As saves the project but does not open it. It will allow you to keep Stage 1 separately enable to compare later.

Compare Node

Compare Stage 1 to Stage 2 to ensure no changes were made to already commissioned part of the building. Australian Standard 1670.1:2018 requires that “Alterations to existing systems shall be thoroughly designed, installed and tested, including the re-calculation of power supply requirements, to ensure that there are no detrimental effects to the existing installation and equipment.”

Click on the Report tab and open Compare Nodes

Open The first program usually the one you’re working on Stage 2 and compare to another project Stage 1

Differences will be Highlighted

Battery Calculation

Battery calculation tool is used to ensure the Power Supply and Batteries have sufficient capacity to power the system.

You can also Download Label Ease Program for making and printing labels for all AFP-3030 Annunciator Modules. Print directly from label Ease as saving as PDF, slightly alter the printout size and labels will not fit right.

Battery Calculation Tool and LabelEase are available for download within our Productivity Tools resources. Registered Users can also download VeriFire Tools.

To find out more about VeriFire Tools and other system functionalities, please book your training at Notifier Discovery Training Portal.