Schedule Server 2003 Backup Batch File
Sep 26, 2007 - Here's a simple batch file script to backup the Windows Server 2003. Scheduled Tasks, assuming you have a backup already scheduled. Also, if this is a particular service (like IIS) there are other ways to have the service restarted on a schedule – Ben D Dec 22 '11 at 16:40 It is application that is installed as a service. You can't schedule a backup operation. The Task Scheduler service must be running before you can schedule a backup. If the Task Scheduler service isn't already running, follow these steps to start it: Click Start, and then click Run. In the Open box, type cmd, and then click OK. At the command prompt, type net start schedule, and then press ENTER.
Creating a simple batch file to backup files or folders is a cool way to move, copy, and backup any file you like.
A batch file is a text file saved as a .bat extension and when doubled clicked on it will execute the dos commands contained in that file.
In this article I will be using the xcopy command and the robocopy command to create a batch file to copy a file or folder. If you have Windows XP you will use xcopy for your batch file and if you have Windows Vista you can use the new command, robocopy.
Sql Server Batch
I'm using NTBackup on a server 2003 R2 system, to backup to a file over the network, using a batch script. What I'm trying to do is to change the name of the backup set as displayed in NTBackup's 'Restore and Manage Media' tab (highlighted below), as the list will become unmanageable when it gets larger. Then check, if event log backup files created successfully. Step 4 – Configure Script in Scheduler. Finally, configure this script in windows task schedulers to run it automatically on a regular interval. A daily backup is much sufficient for normal uses systems.
How to create a batch file
- Open Notepad by going to the start menu>all programs>accessoires>then choose Notepad.
- Type your commands into the notepad file.
- Then go to the file menu at the top and choose Save As.
- Now save the file as Yourfilename.bat
Some examples on what to write in a batch file to copy or backup files
Windows Server 2003 Backup
xcopy “C:Documents and SettingsYour usernameMy DocumentsMy Pictures” “H:backup of pictures” /e /y
This command will backup my pictures on C: drive and paste it to H: drive in a folder called backup of pictures. If you put the destination as just H: than all the files will be all over the place. You must specify a folder. I usually make a new folder first. Of course you can also get the batch file to make the new folder for you but this is another article altogether.
/e means to copy all directories and sub directories
/y means to copy with prompting to overwrite the already exsisting files
See more xcopy commands.