Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac

  1. Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac 2011 Crashes When Changing Font
  2. Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Macro
  3. Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac 2019
  4. Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac Tutorial Videos
  5. Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac Os X

Find Figure(s): Allows insertion of a figure included in an EndNote library; Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac Download. Go to EndNote: Launches EndNote or, if EndNote is already open, brings EndNote to the front of the desktop so. Preferences - toggle between desktop and online as the source of your references if you are using both versions of EndNote and the libraries are not synced. Note: the plugin is currently only compatible with the desktop version of MS Word. Future enhancements will include a plugin for online-only Office 365 documents.

How to remove endnotes quickly in Word?

Endnotes are used for citation of sources in printed document. It consists of note reference mark and corresponding note text, just as same as footnotes. Endnotes always locate in the end of document. This tutorial will show you several ways to remove endnotes from a Word document easily.

One click to remove all endnotes from selection or the whole Word document

With the handy Remove Endnotes feature of Kutools for Word, you can easily remove all endnotes from a certain selection or the whole Word document with only one click! Click for 60-day free trial!


Kutools for Word: a powerful add-in contains 100+ tools, and it can boost 80% work efficiency in your Word daily working! Get It Now!

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Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac 2011 Crashes When Changing Font

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Remove a endote manually in Word

You can remove endnotes with the note reference mark. By default, endnotes are marked by Roman numerals. You can easily remove such a Roman numeral to remove corresponding endote in Word.

Select the note reference mark of endnote you want to remove, and press Delete button.

Obviously, if there are too many endnotes it would be really cumbersome to delete all manually.

Remove endnote shading from references in ms word for mac os

Remove all endnotes with the Replace feature in Word

Find and Replace function works well in remove all endnotes from document. It’s more quickly than remove them one by one. To remove all endnotes from document as follows:

1. Click Home > Replace (or press Ctrl + H keys together) to activate the Replace feature;

2. In the Find and Replace dialog, please do as follows:
(1) In the Find what box, please type ^e;
(2) Type nothing in the Replace with box;
(3) Click the Replace All button. See screenshot:

3. In the popping out Microsoft Word dialog, please click the OK button (see below screenshot). And close the Find and Replace dialog as you need.

Word will find and remove all endnotes within document via Find and Replace function.

One click to remove all endnotes with Kutools for Word

With the Remove Endnotes feature of Kutools for Word, you can easily remove all endnotes from whole document or a certain selection with only one click.

Kutools for Word: a powerful add-in contains 100+ tools, and it can boost 80% work efficiency in your Word daily working! Get It Now!

Just click Kutools >Remove > Remove Endnotes, and all endnotes will be deleted in bulk immediately from the current document.
If you need to remove endnotes from a part of current document, just select this part firstly, and then click Kutools >Remove > Remove Endnotes.


Then a dialog box will come out and ask for your reconfirmation. Just click the Yes button, and all endnotes will be deleted from the whole Word document or your selection at once.

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Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac
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    WOW ! Great information thank you for sharing this information
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    In my Word document for a book, the endnotes appear at the end of each chapter (as I wanted them to do). But, those same endnotes collected at the very end of the Word document (one after the other, in the same order as they appeared chapter by chapter) as well. How can I remove only those duplicate endnotes that appear at the end of the document and retain the ones at the end of each chapter?
    There should only be endnotes at the end of each chapter -- NOT at the end of the book as well.
    Many thanks for any instructions you can provide!
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Deleting endnotes in Word document.
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    Thank u so much. :D
    with the sport of this software i easily remove endnote and its sign that repeated to my document many time.Thanks problem is solve now.
    • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
      None of the above methods worked for me until I found this tip: go to Endnote toolbar on top:
      In the Bibliography section which is in the middle, click on “Convert Citations and Bibliography”.
      Then click “Convert to Plain Text”. This allows you to save a copy of your document without formatted CWYW field codes. Formatted citations and bibliography are saved as text.
      • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
        Thanks Sue. Your tip worked perfectly
  • To post as a guest, your comment is unpublished.
    :-) thank you............

You can use EndNote with Microsoft Word, enabling you to 'Cite While You Write'.

First you need to open a blank document and check for the EndNote tab in Word. If it not showing, select Tools>Templates and Add-ins. Thenselect the option EndNote CWYW Word 16.bundle. Select 'OK'. The tab should now be showing.

Note: Based on Word 2016 (Mac). Earlier versions use a floating toolbar

Insert a citation

  1. Open your EndNote Library that contains the references you want to cite.
  2. Open a document in Word (it is important to do it in this order the first time you use Word with EndNote).
  3. Position your cursor in the paper where you want to insert the citation.
  4. From the EndNote toolbar in Word, select Citations>Insert citation(s).

5. Enter identifying text in the Search box to locate the appropriate reference.

6. Click on Find. Select the appropriate reference from the results and click on Insert.

Multiple citations can also be inserted by repeating the Find method..

TIP: You can also select references directly from your EndNote Library, then return to Word and select Insert Selected Citation(s).

Editing citations

Once you have inserted a citation into Word it should not be edited directly within Word. If you make any changes within the brackets of a citation it will disappear when the reference list re-formats. You must use 'Edit & Manage Citation(s)'.

  1. Click on the citation you wish to change (the citation will now be shaded).
  2. Select the Edit & Manage Citation(s) command from the toolbar or right-click the mouse within the citation. You will now see a dialog box allowing you to format the citation.

Adding a page number(s)

Within the Edit & Manage Citations dialog box, you can enter a page number in the box labelled Pages.

e.g. 26 (no punctuation is necessary).

Adding additional text

If you need to add additional text within your citation, you can do this using the Prefix (before) or Suffix (after) fields.

e.g when referring to a paragraph or section number or name within a website, use the Suffix field,

Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Macro

i.e. , para. 3 (para. is the abbreviation used in APA 6th for paragraph).


Note: Any punctuation needed (e.g.commas, full stops) must also be included.

You can also format how a reference should be displayed within your assignment/Word document:

Your in-text references/citations can be included within the body of your written work by:

either adding the citation at the end of the sentence,


using the author(s) name as part of our sentence.

For example:

Having reliable information for data measurement in tourism is possible… (Weaver, 2006).

Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac 2019

Weaver (2006) believes having reliable information for data measurement in tourism is possible…

If you include the author's surname in your sentence, you can remove the author from a citation.

Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac Tutorial Videos

The Default Format will display the citation as Author (Year).

Remove Endnote Shading From References In Ms Word For Mac Os X

TIP: You can create a list of references from your EndNote Library without using the 'Cite While You Write' feature.(See theFurther tips using EndNote and Word tab).